Diverse Asset Managers Initiative Commends Commonfund for Releasing Diverse Asset Manager Data

Washington, DC – Commonfund recently released detailed data on its utilization of diverse asset managers that manage assets for their clients. The blog provides disaggregate data into the racial demographics and gender of the diverse asset managers it worked with in 2024. Notably, Commonfund closed the year with allocations to 50 different diverse managers, up from 44 at the end of 2023, with representation in every asset class in which they invest.  

Robert Raben, executive director and founder of the Diverse Asset Managers Initiative -- an effort to bolster racial and gender representation in the asset managers industry, issued the following statement in response, commending Commonfund for its transparency: 

“We appreciate Commonfund’s transparency by regularly sharing the demographics of their asset managers each year. By continually doing so, they not only set a high standard for transparency and accountability but also demonstrate leadership, showing other firms how this practice can and should become an industry norm. Transparency fosters accountability, and accountability is the key to driving progress across the asset management industry. 

We also commend Commonfund for continuing to increase the ranks of their diverse asset managers. We know firsthand that there is a clear economic benefit to working with diverse asset managers – diverse teams consistently deliver superior financial performance. We hope more firms are inspired by these actions and abide by their fiduciary duties to their clients by employing more diverse asset managers.” 

Maria Beltran